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Procedure for Registering Food Products in Italy: Steps and Requirements

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Introduction to Registering a Food Product in Italy

Italy imposes strict regulations for the registration of food products enriched with vitamins and minerals. This procedure is essential to ensure product compliance before their market release.

The attached document illustrates the official registration notification of the product “Optimum Nutrition – Serious Mass (Chocolate)” with the Italian Ministry of Health. This declaration is made in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006 and the legislative decree of January 27, 1992, no. 111.

Document Content

The presented registration includes several key elements:

  • Company Information: Food sector operator (GLANBIA HOUSE, Ireland).
  • Product Details:
    • Name: Optimum Nutrition – Serious Mass (Chocolate)
    • Catégorie : Aliment enrichi en vitamines et minéraux
    • Forme : Poudre
    • Dosage recommandé : 336 g (2 doses) dans 710 ml d’eau
  • Ingredient List: Maltodextrin, whey proteins, minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium…), vitamins (C, B12, D, K…), additives, and flavors.
  • Required Attached Documents:
    • A label compliant with the version intended for commercialization.
    • Proof of payment of administrative fees (€160.20) to the Ministry of Health.
  • Compliance Declaration: Statement under the responsibility of the manufacturer attesting to the adherence to European and Italian regulations.


Importance ofregulatory compliance

For operators wishing to market products enriched with vitamins and minerals:

✅ A notification to the Ministry of Health is required, accompanied by a complete dossier including product details and a compliant label.

✅ European regulation (Regulation (EC) 1925/2006) and Italian regulations apply, ensuring the safety and quality of food products placed on the market.

✅ A prior verification of ingredients and claims is essential to avoid non-compliance and ensure a smooth registration process.

Integrating this document into the article helps illustrate administrative requirements and guide professionals in their compliance procedures.

Registering Food Products in Italy – Procedure and Regulatory Requirements

What Are the Key Steps to Register a Food Product in Italy?

Registering food products in Italy includes submitting a notification to the Ministry of Health with a complete dossier. This dossier must include information about the company, the product, the ingredient list, a compliant label, and proof of payment of administrative fees. A compliance declaration with European and Italian regulations must also be provided to ensure conformity before commercialization.

What Types of Products Require a Registration Notification in Italy?

Food products enriched with vitamins and minerals, including dietary supplements, must undergo a registration notification with the Italian Ministry of Health. This includes submitting detailed information on ingredients, nutritional claims, and a label compliant with regulatory standards.

Why Is It Important to Comply with Regulatory Requirements for Registering Food Products in Italy?

Complying with regulatory requirements ensures the safety and quality of products placed on the market. In Italy, this compliance guarantees that products enriched with vitamins and minerals meet European and national standards, ensuring their safety for consumers and avoiding risks of non-compliance and sanctions.