Case Study: labeling audit in animal nutrition

Labeling Audit: Compliance of Regulatory Mentions
Claim “Dietary Supplement” → ❌ NON-COMPLIANT
Under Regulation (EC) No 767/2009, the category “dietary supplement” is not recognized in animal nutrition.
Solution :
This term refers to a compound feed with a high content of certain substances, but which does not, on its own, provide the animal’s complete daily ration.
Claim “Senior Dog” → ✅ COMPLIANT
- The target species must be clearly indicated on the label.
- Clarifications on the target population, such as “SENIOR,” are permitted if justified by the specific formulation of the product.
Claim “For Osteoarthritis” → ❌ NON-COMPLIANT
Any claim referencing a disease is prohibited.
Such mentions could lead to the product being reclassified as a medicinal product by presentation, which is subject to much stricter regulations.
Solution :
A complementary feed is not intended to treat or relieve a disease. Therefore, the claim should be reformulated to highlight nutritional and functional benefits without referring to a pathology.
Verify the labeling to avoid non-compliance or reclassification as a medicinal product by presentation.
🚨 Incorrect labeling can result in sanctions and market withdrawal.
- Use appropriate regulatory terminology (e.g., “complementary feed” instead of “dietary supplement”).
- Avoid references to diseases to prevent reclassification as a medicinal product.
- Ensure the presence of all mandatory labeling mentions.
A labeling audit helps prevent errors and ensures compliance before market placement.
Mastering regulation in animal nutrition
Why is the claim “Dietary Supplement” non-compliant in animal nutrition?
The term “dietary supplement” is reserved for products intended for human consumption. In animal nutrition, the regulatory term “complementary feed” must be used.
Can I mention “For Osteoarthritis” on the label of a dog food?
No, such a claim references a disease and could lead to the product being reclassified as a medicinal product by presentation, subject to stricter regulations.
Do I need to indicate the age or physiological state of the animal on the label?
This is not mandatory, but details such as “Senior Dog” are allowed if justified by the specific formulation of the product, thus allowing for better use by the consumer.